A-Z Question Quiz




Heh, I just created that banner for fun. I just enjoy stuff like that. You know what else I enjoy? Answering questions. So when I saw this questionnaire on Frusterated Reader’s blog, I just had to do it.

A: What are your favourite smells?

The air right before and right after it rains. It smells so fresh and clear. I love that. Also freshly baked bread. 

B: Can you go a whole day without caffeine?

Yes, I can. I’m not really that much of a tea/coffee drinker and I’m not really bothered if I drink like orange juice rather than cola. So sure, I can go a day without. 

C: Who knows more about you than anyone else?

My mom, definitely. She knows all my doubts and fears and anxieties better than anyone else. 

D: What song did you last listen to?

Wildfire – John Mayer. Whose new album is amazing by the way. 

E: Do you have a crush on anybody?

No, I do not. I kinda feel like crushing out on someone again though. I miss the butterflies! 

F: Do you like The Beatles?


G: If you could choose one colour to wear for the whole year, what colour would you choose?

Blue. There are so many different options when it comes to blue. Especially like the deep blue that you see a lot of lately is so beautiful. 

H: Do you cook often?

Not as often as I’d like. I really love cooking and trying new things. 

I: What was the last film you watched? Did you like it?

‘The French Lieutenant’s Woman’, it’s with Meryl Streep and it’s pretty amazing.

J: Can you sew?

A little. 

K: What is your favourite fruit?

Oh my god I love fruit so much. Apples, grapes, mangoes, watermelon, oranges, bananas, peaches, melons, strawberries, pears. I cannot choose. 

L: Are you health-conscious?

Ehm.. I’m like aware of what is healthy and what not. But then on the other hand, sometimes I think screw it and have another piece of chocolate. Or two. 

M: Go do the Kinsey scale test. What number result did you receive?

I scored a one, although the chance of me having a sexual experience with a woman is small to none. 

N: Do you curse a lot?

It differs. Not really. 

O: When was the last time you had a pint of beer?

Never. I’m not a beer drinker. 

P: Are you Pro Life or Pro Choice?

Pro-choice, 100%. A woman should have the right to choose. Not only for her sake, but also for the child’s sake. 

Q: Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?

Sushi, fruit, sometimes a good hamburger, chocolate. I crave weird things sometimes. 

R: What was the last book you purchased?

Insurgent – Veronica Roth

S: Where was your last vacation?

I took a two day holiday with my mom to Limburg, the most southern part of my small country. 

T: Do you shave your pits.


U: Did you ever play Seven Minutes in Heaven?

No, I find that that’s pretty much an American game.. we don’t play stuff like that here. Or at least not when I was at school. 

V: Girls, when was the last time you went without a bra?

Lol, when I was like 10? First thing I do in the morning is putting on a bra. 

W: Guys, when was the last time you went shirtless in public?

I’m not a dude. 

X: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?

Yes, I broke my left pinkie when I was about 9 years old. I was roller-blading but I couldn’t brake properly and instead I stopped by putting my hands out and slamming into a car but I hit it wrong and it broke. It was ouchie.  

Y: How do you like your eggs?

I’m not really a big egg type of person. But if I do eat them I usually have them scrambled. 

Z: What was your last argument about and who with?

I’m not really a person who argues with people easily. But I guess with my parents. I argue with my parent’s more easily. 

BA’s Posting Challenge: Loving Blogs


Share some of the other book blogs you love to follow, who have inspired you, or who have become your online besties.

I have so ultimately failed this challenge it’s not even funny. I kept it up for what, a couple of weeks? Then i guess i decided that i had enough material to write about and just forgot about it. Ahh bad Emma! Bad bad Emma. Anyway, I’m going to pick it up where I’ve left off and maybe post more than once a week so maybe I can catch up a little.

Anyway, let’s get to the point shall we?

I actually have several blogs that i adore and look up to and just enjoy reading so much. Some of these people I’ve gotten to know personally through our collaboration on the book notes project, some I’ve gotten to know just by interacting with them regularly through comments or on twitter. The fact that I’ve gotten to know so many great people through blogging and getting to know them well enough to call them my friends is one of the things i like best about blogging. I feel like it’s a real community we’ve got going on here. Love it.

Although there are a lot of blogs that I love reading, these are few that really inspire me and that I look up to. The first of these is Becky’s blog. You can find her button on the left hand side of my blog. I found Becky’s blog right when I first started blogging and i was kind of in awe. She runs book centered blog and writes so well and with such apparent ease, it made me think ‘i want that!’ Not to mention she always has tons of likes and an insane amount of comments. Colour me jealous.

Other blogs that i look up to, always enjoy reading and like talking with are:

The downside of making a list of your favourite blogs? Feeling like you could be possibly offending everyone you follow but don’t mention. I´m sorry in advance! I should spend more time reading new blogs, i know this. I feel bad about it.

Anyway, just wanted to finish this blog by saying that i appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to read, like and comment on my blog. Every new like and every new comment and every new follower still give me the warm and fuzzies. Man, i love blogging.

Todays quote

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves “who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.”

— Marianne Williamson

Book Review: Divergent

In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue–Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is–she can’t have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.



I’m skipping giving the synopsis because telling more about the story than I have already done with the blurb above, would be giving away spoilers that would ruin the complete first part of the book for you. And that would be a huge waste.

I stayed away from the divergent series, same as I have with the Mortal Instrument series because I felt like I had plunged myself into enough YA series for a while after having read the Selection, Starcrossed, Beautiful Creatures and the first few books of Percy Jackson. However, I couldn’t very well keep on ignoring it when Hank Green was waving it around in his last videoblog (F yea Nerdfighters!). So, I got an Sample of the first couple of chapters to see if it was any good. When I reached the end of the sample, I immediately bought the entire book. I was very glad that Amazon Kindle Store only asked $6 for it because I think I would have bought it regardless of the price.

Divergent is one of those series that swallow you up and drags you away when you start reading. It doesn’t do any good to fight the current, you know you’re going to have to move along with it if you want to get out alive. I started reading Divergent somewhere on Friday night and finished reading it Saturday night. After that, I took a day of deliberating before acquiring Insurgent (the sequel), which I’m now close to finishing. After that, I have no doubt I will read the third book even faster. Wait, what? It’s not out yet? Dammit!

In some ways the series is very similar with the Hunger games, not in story but in build-up. The first book is all about getting to know the characters and the world they live in. I have to say that I am very intrigued with the world that Roth created. A long while back, when I first started this blog, I wrote a post about my love for creativity. Especially when a writer has something in the story that is different for everyone, if that makes sense. Like, in the Hunger Games you have the Arena’s that change every year, in Harry Potter you have the Patronusses that are different for everyone. Even in Twilight some vampires have different ‘powers’. Divergent made me very happy in that aspect because not only did it have the different factions, but through the course of the story Roth also gives insight in the different factions. What are their initiation processes, how are they dressed, how do they act and so forth. I always enjoy thinking of things like ‘what faction would I be in?’ The answer to that question would be Amity. Things like that always make me want to read the book more.

Other than that, the storyline was very captivating. As with Katniss, Tris is a very strong and independent woman. But, unlike Katniss, she doesn’t know it yet. It is fun to see her grow and develop but what I like about this is that later in the story (I will talk more about this in the Insurgent review) we are reminded that she is in fact a 16-year-old-girl. I think it’s more realistic, if that makes sense.

Anywho, like I said the story and its characters are very captivating. I fell a little bit in love with Al, I must say. Which made me sad in the end. I also really liked Christina and Uriah. Argh it’s hard to not say things about what happened in Insurgent rather than in Divergent.

If I have to name one negative, it’s that the series is a tad predictable. Of course, the rebellion theme is popular right now and although Roth has created a very interesting world, I wasn’t awed with the originality of it (apart from the factions bit). Also, it helps when you don’t know what the word ‘Divergent’ means. I didn’t, and I must say that it makes the book a bit more mysterious. Once you know the meaning of the word, you know what’s going to happen. Other than that, it was sometimes painfully obvious what was going to happen with certain characters. Al, Four, I’m looking at you two.

But I did enjoy reading it very much and therefore I rate this book a 4 out of 5. I recommend this book if you enjoy dystiopian YA series á la the Hunger Games. It’s fast paced and it keeps you interested. It also leaves you wanting more.

Speaking of, I’m going to go back to reading Insurgent now. Cya.