BA’s Posting Challenge: Loving Blogs


Share some of the other book blogs you love to follow, who have inspired you, or who have become your online besties.

I have so ultimately failed this challenge it’s not even funny. I kept it up for what, a couple of weeks? Then i guess i decided that i had enough material to write about and just forgot about it. Ahh bad Emma! Bad bad Emma. Anyway, I’m going to pick it up where I’ve left off and maybe post more than once a week so maybe I can catch up a little.

Anyway, let’s get to the point shall we?

I actually have several blogs that i adore and look up to and just enjoy reading so much. Some of these people I’ve gotten to know personally through our collaboration on the book notes project, some I’ve gotten to know just by interacting with them regularly through comments or on twitter. The fact that I’ve gotten to know so many great people through blogging and getting to know them well enough to call them my friends is one of the things i like best about blogging. I feel like it’s a real community we’ve got going on here. Love it.

Although there are a lot of blogs that I love reading, these are few that really inspire me and that I look up to. The first of these is Becky’s blog. You can find her button on the left hand side of my blog. I found Becky’s blog right when I first started blogging and i was kind of in awe. She runs book centered blog and writes so well and with such apparent ease, it made me think ‘i want that!’ Not to mention she always has tons of likes and an insane amount of comments. Colour me jealous.

Other blogs that i look up to, always enjoy reading and like talking with are:

The downside of making a list of your favourite blogs? Feeling like you could be possibly offending everyone you follow but don’t mention. I´m sorry in advance! I should spend more time reading new blogs, i know this. I feel bad about it.

Anyway, just wanted to finish this blog by saying that i appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to read, like and comment on my blog. Every new like and every new comment and every new follower still give me the warm and fuzzies. Man, i love blogging.

BA Posting Challenge: Keeping Place


9th of June – Keeping Place: When it comes to keeping place in the book you’re reading, what’s your favourite method and has it changed over the years?

Ooh this is an easy one. I dog-ear the page I’m at. I know this method is widely frowned upon but I actually like the worn feel of a well read book. I also crack the spines of my paperbacks..

Sometimes I use a book marker but only with special or expensive books that I don’t want to damage. For example my mothers copy of Homer’s Odyssey or my Sherlock Homes collection. But even then I find it hard. When I use book markers on other books I tend to lose them or forget to put them back as I don’t regularly use them. Also, how do you remember which side you’re on? Left or right? I always forget that and it’s a bitch to remember.

So.. dog-earing for me 😛

BA’s Posting Challenge: Nooks



26th of May – Nooks: A picture or description of the place you love to read at.

 I have two places where I read most: public transportation and my bed. I always (read: always always always) carry a book around with me. Mostly I end up reading those books in the train or metro or whatever because I’m bored and I don’t have anything better to do. It’s entertaining and it makes the time pass.

The second place where I always read is my bed. I’m not much of a couch reader and when I read it’s when I’m in bed. I have this big (I think queen size..) bed where I can just spread out and enjoy my book. I always read before sleeping, no exceptions, and I usually keep like 3 or 4 books in my bed at a time. I sometimes also read 3 or 4 books at a time 😛

No picture as my room is a damn mess but I promise you, it’s amazing. You all should be jealous of my bed.

BA Posting Challenge: Other Loves


19th of May – Other Loves: What else do you love to talk about besides books, on your blog or off it?

I talk about anything that I’m passionate about. Mostly, that’s social issues and education. In the  past I’ve done blogs about incidents that have been big on the news. Like when a 15 year old here killed herself after being bullied or when a professor said that women who are unconscious when raped shouldn’t complain as they ‘won’t be traumatized because they won’t remember the experience’.

I’m pretty much the same in real life. If you really get me going on a subject like that, I can keep talking about it for hours. Some times when I’m ranting about something ridiculous that has happened to my mom, she’ll say something like ‘enough already’ because I just won’t stop. Heh..

Although I talk about books a lot on this blog, it’s not a really a ‘book blog’. I don’t want to constrict myself in blogging so if and when I come across a subject that I’d like to talk about (like baking cupcakes for example) I want to be able to blog about it.

If you’re looking for someone to discuss things with.. books, supernatural, doctor who, current affairs whatever, please leave a message and we’ll get to talking 😉