BA Posting Challenge: Keeping Place


9th of June – Keeping Place: When it comes to keeping place in the book you’re reading, what’s your favourite method and has it changed over the years?

Ooh this is an easy one. I dog-ear the page I’m at. I know this method is widely frowned upon but I actually like the worn feel of a well read book. I also crack the spines of my paperbacks..

Sometimes I use a book marker but only with special or expensive books that I don’t want to damage. For example my mothers copy of Homer’s Odyssey or my Sherlock Homes collection. But even then I find it hard. When I use book markers on other books I tend to lose them or forget to put them back as I don’t regularly use them. Also, how do you remember which side you’re on? Left or right? I always forget that and it’s a bitch to remember.

So.. dog-earing for me 😛