Poll things

One of the things I’m really bad at is actually reading the books that I buy. Somehow, I just end up reading and re-reading my comfort books that I’ve already read 100 times before. So I’m brining back the polls. Help me decide.

I’m wrapping up Lisey’s Story pretty soon, I’m thinking in the next 2 or 3 days, so that’ll give me (and you) more than enough time to gather some votes on this muy importante poll.

That reminds me.. I still need to review Firestarter.. Dammit. I’m so out of it.

This is why we don’t have nice things, Sam. Or a famous blog. When it’s late I like to quote Supernatural. Don’t judge me.

Annywayyy, vote below please ^_^

Welcome Home

I’m back!

And with back I mean back home in the Netherlands. Incidentally I’ve been home since Tuesday the 22nd but I needed a couple of days to settle back in and to gather my thoughts about things.

Yeah, I found out I think on Thursday the 17th that they were giving me Easter weekend there, which made me very happy. I packed up my bags and left my hostfamily on Friday morning, which was very sad. I went with my hostmom to take the kids to school and said goodbye to them there. It happened in the usual way kids do things: quickly. They’re pretty used to au pairs coming and going by now so it was almost like ‘okay bye see ya later’ and off they went. I had a little cuddle with the baby and then my hostmom drove me to my friend’s house where I would be staying the weekend. This didn’t really have a reason but I just though since I would probably spend as much time as I could with my friends, I might as well stay there for the weekend. My friend was going to take her hostkids to the Willis tower in the City so I went with them and got to check one last thing off my bucket list.

The rest of the weekend was pretty much awesome. My friends bought me dinner on Friday night to say goodbye, on Saturday I went to Chinatown and at night we had a relaxing evening at home watching movies. Sunday it was Easter and we had a great day with my friends hostfamily. I ended up injuring myself during the egg-hunt when I ran into a tree and cut my forehead. yay me.

And then Monday came and it was travel day.. I hated that day. I had lunch with my friends and then Sandra drove me over to the airport at 2:30. I was hoping to get some help with my suitcases because of my shoulder but as soon as I got there it was pretty obvious that that wasn’t going to happen. So there I was, one busted shoulder and 4 really heavy bags. I was a sweaty mess and not happy.

On the plane I had a middle seat in the middle of the plane. It was like this:

XX | | X ME X | | XX

So not only couldn’t I see out of the window to say goodbye to Chicago one last time (*sob* I’m sentimental like that okay?) but I also couldn’t get comfortable enough to fall asleep and I pretty much ended up being awake for the 8+ hour flight. This sucked because as the flight was overnight it would have been perfect to battle Jetlag but as it was I ended up in Amsterdam at 9:30 am on 10 minutes sleep. On the other hand, I did get to read about half of Stephen King’s Firestarter. Awesome book by the way, I hope I get to finish it soon.

It’s been very weird being back. Seeing my family and friends has been great of course but on the other hand I miss my friends back in Chicago a lot too. That first day I was sitting in my bedroom and I was looking around and thinking how the hell did I get here. I was not supposed to be there for 8 – 14 months! It was so weird.

I just keep comparing everything to how it was in America. The biggest thing that I need to get used to again is the food. You always hear how American food is so ‘rich’ but I didn’t really know what that meant until I got back from the US. See, I didn’t really notice anything when I first went out there but now that I’m back, I’m hungry all. the. time. I guess the food there is different, somehow heavier than the food here? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just the adjusting period. I dunno.

I haven’t been doing much since I got back except for going to the gym. I’m so proud of myself, I didn’t want to sit still once I got back home so I got myself a gym membership (which is free till June 1st anyway because of a promo) and I’ve been going every day except for Saturday. Feels good 🙂 And I visited my doctor to get an MRSA test in prep for the appointment with the orthopedic surgeon this Thursday. Looking forward to that. Oh yeah. Yay. Surgery.

Other than that I’ve been catching up on TV shows that I didn’t have a chance to watch while in the US. Mainly I’ve been watching Reign. Bash. Francis. Sigh..

So that’s me for now. I’m doing good but also I’m sad. I miss my friends. Lots. I put their pictures on my wall. I hope I get to see them again soon. On the upside, more time for blogging!

That story prompt book that I told you about before? It’s totally awesome and I have several stores in mind that I will share with you soon. Maybe I’ll write them out tomorrow.

Book Review: The Chaos of Stars

Kiersten White, New York Times bestselling author of Paranormalcy, is back with The Chaos of Stars—an enchanting novel set in Egypt and San Diego that captures the magic of first love and the eternally complicated truth about family.

Isadora’s family is seriously screwed up—which comes with the territory when you’re the human daughter of the ancient Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris. Isadora is tired of living with crazy relatives who think she’s only worthy of a passing glance—so when she gets the chance to move to California with her brother, she jumps on it. But her new life comes with plenty of its own dramatic—and dangerous—complications . . . and Isadora quickly learns there’s no such thing as a clean break from family.


Title: The Chaos of Stars 

Author: Kiersten White

Published: September, 2013 by HarperTeen

Time it took me to read: 22/01 – 26/01

Rating: 3 out of 5


This book is the exception that proves the rule. Those who read my reviews regularly know that when I don’t have anything to add to the synopsis than what is written in the burb, the review probably will not be very good. This is not the case with The Chaos of Stars though, I just want to jump straight into my review.

I picked up this book on a whim after passing it in the library. What made me notice it was the very pretty cover. It was definitely an eye catcher and then after I read the blurb I was like ‘eh why not’ and took it home with me. Let that be a lesson to publishers everywhere: pretty covers help your books get picked/sold. Look at it though, isn’t it gorgeous?

I really liked that this was about Egyptian Gods. We see so many books about myths and legends (see: vampires, werewolves and angels) and lately there’s a lot about Greek mythology too (see: Percy Jackson and the Starcrossed series). This was actually the first book I saw that was about Egyptian history. I was a bit apprehensive at first though, I feared that it would be another Twilight rehash or something like that but fortunately it wasn’t. It was actually pretty good!

Isadora is pretty much like you and me, only thing is that she is the daughter of two Egyptian Gods. Because she is not immortal like them, Isadora *not Isa or Dora please!* thinks that they don’t care about her. She thinks that she is just someone they need to remember them so they can keep their power as Gods. So when Isis feels a dark presence threatening her daughter, Isadora gladly takes the chance to get away and move to her brother in San Diego.

So Isadora is obviously the protagonist, we follow her to the States where she learns to live in the modern age and where she makes a life for herself. She is very cynical and angry at everyone pretty much all of the time. She resents her parents and basically is doing everything she can to get away from them. I don’t think that the author overdid it with the cynicism, though. Or it didn’t bother me anyway, it was just the right amount for me, but I think I can see how some people might think that’s it’s a bit whiny but oh well. What I really liked about Isadora is that her passion is interior design. Not just because I really like interior design myself, but also because it’s completely different from the usual ‘artsy, poetry writing, literature reading’ heroines that we usually have in YA books today. Isadora is very strong and original.

Of course, where you have a YA book, you have a love interest. I liked Ry a lot. And although it was painfully obvious what the endgame was when his full name was revealed, I didn’t mind. Ry may stay. He has the Emma stamp of approval.

So what I liked best about this book is that there’s basically two story lines that are entangled. On the one hand you’ve got that threat that’s looming over everyone’s head but then on the other hand there’s Isadora’s every day life and the story of her figuring out how to live her own life. Sometimes you kind of forget about the threat until it’s suddenly brought up again. I’m thinking that a book is well written when you don’t mind reading about a person’s every day life for fifty pages.

Anyway, another thing I love is that at the start of every chapter there’s this little history lesson on the Egyptian Gods that figures into the story. It was a great way to learn a little more about this culture.

All in all, The Chaos of Stars is very much a Young Adult book and it reads as such. I wouldn’t expect too much from it but it is still very much enjoyable. I do get that it might not be everyone’s cup of tea though. But you should definitely give it a chance, especially if you’re interested in Egyptian Gods and Myths.

I rated it a 3 out of 5 because, you know, it’s not like life changing literature, but it’s enjoyable all the same. It made me want to read more about Isadora and I wish there was a sequel. Oh well.. I will definitely check out the Paranormalcy series, written by the same author, though.

Book Review: Eleanor & Park

Set over the course of one school year in 1986, ELEANOR AND PARK is the story of two star-crossed misfits – smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try. When Eleanor meets Park, you’ll remember your own first love – and just how hard it pulled you under.


Title: Eleanor & Park

Author: Rainbow Rowell

Published: February, 2013 by St. Martin’s Press 

Time it took me to read: 09/01 – 15/01

Rating: 4 out of 5


In 1986, two teenagers met on a bus. Eleanor, the misfit with strange clothes and fire engine-red hair, and Park, the only Asian kid in town. When Park first sees Eleanor, he thinks she’s weird. I mean, someone who dresses so weirdly and puts strange stuff in her hair is basically asking to be noticed. He doesn’t want the weird girl to sit next to him on the bus and attract attention to him, too, but since that’s the only seat, he doesn’t have a choice. But as the weeks go by, he notices that she likes the same things as he does: comic books and music. They start talking, and he loans her his comic books and makes her mix tapes. And even though Eleanor isn’t always as nice as he would like, he starts falling for her. Until he can’t think about anything else.

Eleanor isn’t a happy girl. Her parents are divorced and she’s now living with her mom and horrible monster of a step-father. She needs to be really careful around her house because there is always the fear that Ralph, the step-dad, will throw her out like he did before. They dumped her on the neighbors couch and didn’t pick her up for a year. Now, she’s sleeping in 1 room with all her brothers and sisters and has to bathe right after school when Ralph is still at work because the bathroom doesn’t have a door. In short, her life is looking pretty bleak. Until Park offers her an out.


I want to rave about this book so badly. Have you ever had that feeling? That feeling you get when you’ve encountered a book that has everything that makes a book good and you want to rave about it until everyone in the world has read this book.. but you’re just not feeling it? Does that make sense? It’s like, I recognize that it’s a good book and that it’s pretty great but I just don’t feel that connection to it. However, that’s not to say that I didn’t like it! I liked it a lot actually. I just didn’t feel like devouring the pages.

Anyway, everything about this book is good. Park is good, Eleanor is good, the story is good, the ending is heartbreaking. It’s all just.. good. I liked Eleanor’s back story a lot and I was very invested in how that was going to turn out. I thought that Park’s troubles at home were a bit too much. I mean, it came pretty much out of nowhere and it didn’t really play a role. It make me feel like, why is this part of the story? It didn’t contribute.

What I definitely did love about this book is that the love story is like none other. It’s not love at first sight, it’s not the popular guy falls for the beautiful but doesn’t know it shy girl, it’s not a remake of ‘she’s all that’. Eleanor is not very pretty, and she’s not even necessarily nice, and yes she is weird, but Park falls for her regardless of her weirdness. And then their relationship is not perfect. Eleanor has to deal with her home situation, and Park has to deal with his friends not understanding and his mother not approving. It’s hard and there are struggles that you don’t really see in the average YA books. That’s what makes the book great for me.

I rated this book a 4 out of 5 because the book basically has everything it needs to make it great, but not enough of book magic to make me absolutely love it. I definitely recommend it though! Give it a shot and tell me what you think.