BA Posting Challenge – In the Design




12th of May – In the Design: How did you come to have your current blog design and what do you love about it?

Let me tell you, I’m that kind of person who changes their blog design every couple of months. I’ve only been blogging since November and I’ve already changed it twice. It has everything to the way I’m feeling and what’s appealing to me at the time. The theme I had before was called ‘Piano Black’ and it was – wait for it- all black. I picked that one because I wanted something dark and sleek and elegant. But then I got tired of that and I wanted something more colourful. So, when I came across this theme, I was really happy. Especially since I can change the widget title colours and that’s pretty cool. So when I get tired of the green stuff, I’ll change it to blue or purple or whatever and placate myself for a bit. Or I’ll just pick a new theme altogether. We’ll see 😉

BA’s Posting Challenge: Meet & Greet


5th of May – Meet and Greet: Who are some of the authors you have met or would love to meet and why?

Today I finished writing the theoretical framework for my master thesis. 10.400 words. I’ve written it in one single week and I’m exhausted. So, to celebrate this occasion here’s this weeks BA Posting Challenge! 

1) John Green. 

I LOVE John Green. I’m a big Nerdfighter and I love all his books. Especially The Fault in Their Stars and Looking for Alaska. I still need to read Paper Towns but hey. He just seems like such an intelligent and funny man. He also happens to love Amsterdam which is where I live. Definitely would like to have a talk with him if I could! Also, Happy Hank-O de Mayo, everyone 🙂

2) Jim Butcher

I have this vague impression that mr. Butcher is a little loopy and I like that in a person. Someone who can write a brilliant a series as the Dresden Files and the Codex Alera is someone I would definitely want to meet. Also, I like his humour.

3) JK Rowling

Because what good, self-respecting Potterhead would not want to meet JK Rowling? Hmm?

4) Stephen King

Because he is God. That is all.

Short and Sweet. I’m going to collapse now. Bye my angelfaces! 

BA’s Posting Challenge – Disgruntled Blogging


Disgruntled Blogging: What are some of the cons you’ve discovered when it comes to blogging?

This week’s subject is pretty easy. Just look at my blog name: A Wordless Blogger. I’ve explained before how I got that name. It’s that I started blogging after a friend started blogging about her study trip to Spain. I liked reading about it and I wanted to do that, too. Only problem was that I don’t live a very adventurous life and I was pretty much assuming that I was going to run out of subjects to talk about within a week. Luckily, that didn’t happen.

But that’s definitely a con to blogging. You always have to have a subject at hand. I’m glad that I’ve found my place within the bloggingworld, though. I’m mostly a book centred blog but I also do movie reviews and every once in a while I talk about education or recent events, or I share something personal -gasp-. So it’s not that much of a problem for me. But I think I’ve made the right choice not boxing myself into one definite category. As it says on my About page, this blog is at my minds disposal 😉

Another con that I have experienced is that you have to keep going or suffer the consequences. I was blogging regularly up till about the end of January, then I had a little break because of school and things and I have definitely noticed the overall decrease of visitors and likes on my blog. It’s not that I mind so much, after all I do this because I love it and it makes me happy, but still.. it’s nice to see that people read your stuff. Although I have to say that since the start of the Book Notes Project, my views have gone up a bit :).

Obviously though, there are definitely more pros than cons. Otherwise I would not be here right now! Biggest pro of all: so many awesome people here on WordPress! I mean that, you’re such a civilized bunch. I’ve never had an unkind comment and as far as I can tell you are all really really nice. I like it ;).

BA’s Posting Challenge – Book Lies


21st of April – Book Lies: Have you ever lied about reading a book (if so, what was it)? Would you?

I generally don’t lie about books. Although I do have to say that I have fibbed about this in the past. In the 30 Day Book Challenge I wrote about how I once lied about reading Lolita. I have a perfectly good explanation, I swear! It was that we had to read 7 books, which we had to pick ourselves, for our Dutch class. So, trying to be smart I chose Lolita. I still don’t know why the teacher approved it as the version I owned was in English and it’s by a Russian author instead of a Dutch one. Anyway, I got about halfway through the book and then I just stopped. But, I did have an oral exam about the book so I had to lie about having read it. Apparently I did it pretty well because I passed!

But other than that I don’t lie about the books I have read, or haven’t read for that matter. Honestly, I don’t see the point. Why tell people that you have read books when you haven’t? The only thing that can happen is people asking you questions that you won’t be able to answer. I have never lied about books that I have read, either. That to me is the silliest thing in the world. Why would you do that? As far as I know, the only reason to lie about books that you have read, pretending that you haven’t read them, is if you want to conform to what you think people want to hear: ‘psh, no I haven’t read 50 shades of grey! I would never read something like that! (I secretly devoured all three books in 2 days but you can’t know that)’. Why would you judge a person by the books they have read?

I have read Twilight (all 4 books + the novella) and all three books of 50 shades of Grey. I haven’t read a whole lot of books that I really should read.. but I will. And I won’t lie about it! 😉