
Well hello ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to a brand new edition of the ‘A Wordless Blogger’ blog. As you can see, a couple of changes have occurred in this last week. The theme is brand new. Nice and dark and a little ominous. A welcome change from the colorful theme I had before. And if you will direct your attention to the right, you will see the social media icons that will redirect you to the (brand new) A Wordless Blogger facebook page, my twitter and my tumblr page.

Seriously though, I thought it was time for something new. I get restless after a while and I had been looking for a new themes a couple of times already so I guess a change was upon us. I am mostly liking this so far but I’m not really 100% sure yet. Maybe I’ll change my mind in a few days and change the theme again. I’m just indecisive like that. I like changing things up every once in a while.

But also, the facebook page where you end up if you click the facebook button is the page I made for this blog. It’s still pretty new and I’m not really doing much with it right now. But I will, I promise. I’m planning on sharing interesting and funny things with my followers through the facebook page that I wouldn’t necessarily post on this blog. So go ahead and click like, would ya? I’ll give you a cookie.

In other news, I also rewrote most of my About page to make it a little more current. I’ve also included a gif of a certain Supernatural star, for those who are interested. So you can go check that out if you like.

Soo… I guess I’ll be seeing you around!

New posts coming soon, I promise.

Don’t you just love them, though?

BA Posting Challenge – In the Design




12th of May – In the Design: How did you come to have your current blog design and what do you love about it?

Let me tell you, I’m that kind of person who changes their blog design every couple of months. I’ve only been blogging since November and I’ve already changed it twice. It has everything to the way I’m feeling and what’s appealing to me at the time. The theme I had before was called ‘Piano Black’ and it was – wait for it- all black. I picked that one because I wanted something dark and sleek and elegant. But then I got tired of that and I wanted something more colourful. So, when I came across this theme, I was really happy. Especially since I can change the widget title colours and that’s pretty cool. So when I get tired of the green stuff, I’ll change it to blue or purple or whatever and placate myself for a bit. Or I’ll just pick a new theme altogether. We’ll see 😉


Hi there you beautiful person who visited my blog.

If you did that click-click-clickidy in your reader (or facebook or twitter or tumblr), you can see that I have recently changed my blog theme. If this is your first time visiting my blog.. well… take my word for it, it’s new.

I was working today and suddenly I thought ‘it’s time for a new theme’. So, I went a-looking for a good one and when I came across this one, I wanted it. It’s still kinda dark as I like it but it also has pwetty colours and cool icons at the top right for my twitter and facebook pages.

I guess I wanted something new for a new period in my life. Changes ftw.

A while back I told you all that I was very busy with exams and my master thesis proposal and all that is nearly done. I had my very last exam ever yesterday. Man, that’s so weird.. I’ve been a student/pupil for the last 19 years and then suddenly.. it’s over. I’m only 22 for goodness sake! I’m not ready to be an adult and have a fulltime job and all that. Areghafaf. *freakout*

Ahum.. anyway.. My thesis proposal and my other project are due on Friday and after that I have given myself a couple of days to recover from all the stress and anxiety that the last few weeks have given me, before actually breaking ground on my thesis.

In those couple of days I will completely catch up on my blogging which includes:

– To Kill a Mockingbird book review

– Sinister movie review

– Stardust book AND movie rieview

– Silver Linings Playbook book review

And probably some other things..

So I hope I will see you lovely people around when I’m doing all that and for now I wish you all a good day (the sun is actually shining here -gasp-) and I will see you soon.

Oh btw, the banner will be back as soon as I’ve figured some stuff out.
