Week 1: Getting (semi) settled – Au Pair Adventures

Well hello friend! How are you today? After a few days of radio silence, I thought it was time to update you all on my adventure again. I’ve been here for nearly a week now and I’m still very happy! Even though the homesickness is settling in my stomach like a still somewhat small brick. But more on that later.  

Anyway, do I just did my second ‘day’ of work. I use quotation marks because my work hours on Monday and Tuesday have been very little. On Monday I worked from 07:30 to 09:30 where I really didn’t do anything else besides like observe the current Au Pair preparing lunch for the kids and doing the laundry and other stuff that I will be doing by myself next week. Then I worked a couple of hours at night; from 17:30 to 20:00 I think. And today I only worked from 17:30 to 20:30. So not very hard work at all! The work I did mainly consisted off helping with the kids dinner and putting them to bed, and feeding the baby and putting her to bed. Not very taxing stuff, yet. But then tomorrow I’m working from 07:30 to 17:30 so that’ll be a bit longer and tiring, I’m guessing. 

But after that I’m going to the weekly Au Pair Starbucks meeting! So I’m getting picked up at like 8 or something by one of the Au Pairs in my ‘cluster’ (my area) to go there and hang out with a lot of Au Pairs who live in the area but who are also from different organisations. It should be good and it’ll definitely be good to get out of the house! I was kinda stuck in the house today because it started snowing again and I didn’t feel like trekking through the snow and cold without a definite purpose. So I stayed in and watched Psych: The Musical and a few episodes of Make it or Break It while drafting in and out of sleep because I also wasn’t feeling very well. Nothing serious, just womanly pleasures I guess. 

Anyway, last Sunday I went to a cluster meeting and met a lot of wonderful people. Literally every single one of the women that I’ve met on that night were incredibly nice and I hope that I will see more of them during my time here. I love all the different nationalities, even though most of them were German. It was kind of a running gag throughout the meeting that I was Dutch because one of the German girls had emailed me in German, thinking I was German too. So they all were like ‘oohhh you’re the Dutch girl!’ But yea, so a lot of Germans, some South Africans, and then a girl from Colombia and one from I think Spain and one girl from South London. Lovely lovely people. I’m really glad I met them. 

But yeah, homesickness. It’s not too bad at the moment, thank goodness. It was just today with not feeling well that I felt like, you know what I don’t want to leave but I wouldn’t mind being at home right now either. But I know that’s normal, we talked about it extensively at orientation 😛 And it’s also that I need to start doing fun stuff when I can. This being cooped up in the house isn’t something that I need to be doing all week. I’d go crazy I think. And seeing as there will definitely some cooping going on with being with the baby for whole days, I need to make sure that I get out enough to retain my sanity somewhat. But that’ll be alright, I have a lot of exploring to do around Chicago. Where I haven’t even been yet! 

So yeah.. That’s it for now. I will keep you updated on my life as it progresses and maybe I’ll even throw in a book review when I have the time. Remember when I used to do those..?

Anyway, see you soon!

300 — Not the movie.

So a couple of days ago I said that I was two people shy of 300 followers.

Imagine my surprise that when I woke up and I suddenly had 302 followers!!

Friends Monica dancing


I mean, seriously that was me this morning. I just can’t believe that so many people deemed my blog worthy for following. It makes me feel really very happy. Believe me, it’s one hell of a motivator. Especially since I’ve had this blog less than a year. It’s like 300 people are saying ‘you know what? I like you.’ It’s a very good feeling.

And you know what? I love all of you, too. In a non-stalkery way.

AVPM I love you


So thank you so much to each and every one of you. I’ll be seeing you around, soon.

Now you all go off and have a cookie because you are awesome. Don’t forget that. Write it on your arm. Say it. You’re awesome. ❤

I’m not dead, just .. sleeping.

Well hello there my friends.

I’m sure you’re wondering right now where I am. Am I lying in a ditch somewhere? Am I being eaten by wild dogs? Have I suddenly jumped into a plane of simple non-existence? No I have not.

It’s just that I’ve been feeling a bit meh lately and it made me not feel enthusiastic about blogging. It started to feel like a chore and that’s not what I want. Because I love writing and blogging and I want to keep loving it and not start to resent it, you know? So I took a little break.

I have no idea how long this break will last. I actually felt like writing this post so might be that I’m nearly ready to come back. Who knows?

In any case, I have my VISA interview at the American Consulate on Monday next (4-11) and I wager I’ll write about my experiences there. Let me just tell you that the form I had to fill in was hilarious all on its own. They wanted to know if I was planning on entering the prostitution, traffic humans, become a terrorist or other similarly weird activities. It was amusing.

Oh, if there is a chance that the NSA is reading this: Dear NSA (or other US government officials) I am not going to do anything illegal, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Anyway, I hope you’re all doing well and that you, too, are not eaten by wild dogs.

Talk soon, you beautiful people.


Oh btw, I’m like 2 people away from 300 subscribers which makes me go iiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Just wanted to let you know ^_^