300 — Not the movie.

So a couple of days ago I said that I was two people shy of 300 followers.

Imagine my surprise that when I woke up and I suddenly had 302 followers!!

Friends Monica dancing


I mean, seriously that was me this morning. I just can’t believe that so many people deemed my blog worthy for following. It makes me feel really very happy. Believe me, it’s one hell of a motivator. Especially since I’ve had this blog less than a year. It’s like 300 people are saying ‘you know what? I like you.’ It’s a very good feeling.

And you know what? I love all of you, too. In a non-stalkery way.

AVPM I love you


So thank you so much to each and every one of you. I’ll be seeing you around, soon.

Now you all go off and have a cookie because you are awesome. Don’t forget that. Write it on your arm. Say it. You’re awesome. ❤