
Well hello ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to a brand new edition of the ‘A Wordless Blogger’ blog. As you can see, a couple of changes have occurred in this last week. The theme is brand new. Nice and dark and a little ominous. A welcome change from the colorful theme I had before. And if you will direct your attention to the right, you will see the social media icons that will redirect you to the (brand new) A Wordless Blogger facebook page, my twitter and my tumblr page.

Seriously though, I thought it was time for something new. I get restless after a while and I had been looking for a new themes a couple of times already so I guess a change was upon us. I am mostly liking this so far but I’m not really 100% sure yet. Maybe I’ll change my mind in a few days and change the theme again. I’m just indecisive like that. I like changing things up every once in a while.

But also, the facebook page where you end up if you click the facebook button is the page I made for this blog. It’s still pretty new and I’m not really doing much with it right now. But I will, I promise. I’m planning on sharing interesting and funny things with my followers through the facebook page that I wouldn’t necessarily post on this blog. So go ahead and click like, would ya? I’ll give you a cookie.

In other news, I also rewrote most of my About page to make it a little more current. I’ve also included a gif of a certain Supernatural star, for those who are interested. So you can go check that out if you like.

Soo… I guess I’ll be seeing you around!

New posts coming soon, I promise.

Don’t you just love them, though?

Author: EMK

Just blogging away in my free time while I try to make something of my life

3 thoughts on “Changes!”

  1. Yay for change! This is such an aptly timed post because I have just set up my own facebook page and tumblr! I haven’t told anyone about it yet or connected it to my blog because I’m still faffing about with it. I have also been working on adding some visual additions to my blog, although I think the theme will stay because I’m too much of a scardy cat to change it, I get stuck in my ways far too easily. 😛

    I hope you get on with your new theme! When I decide to finally open my Facebook page I will make sure to like it on there and also follow your tumblr. 😀 (I haven’t even worked out how to use tumblr yet)

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