300 — Not the movie.

So a couple of days ago I said that I was two people shy of 300 followers.

Imagine my surprise that when I woke up and I suddenly had 302 followers!!

Friends Monica dancing


I mean, seriously that was me this morning. I just can’t believe that so many people deemed my blog worthy for following. It makes me feel really very happy. Believe me, it’s one hell of a motivator. Especially since I’ve had this blog less than a year. It’s like 300 people are saying ‘you know what? I like you.’ It’s a very good feeling.

And you know what? I love all of you, too. In a non-stalkery way.

AVPM I love you


So thank you so much to each and every one of you. I’ll be seeing you around, soon.

Now you all go off and have a cookie because you are awesome. Don’t forget that. Write it on your arm. Say it. You’re awesome. ❤

I’m not dead, just .. sleeping.

Well hello there my friends.

I’m sure you’re wondering right now where I am. Am I lying in a ditch somewhere? Am I being eaten by wild dogs? Have I suddenly jumped into a plane of simple non-existence? No I have not.

It’s just that I’ve been feeling a bit meh lately and it made me not feel enthusiastic about blogging. It started to feel like a chore and that’s not what I want. Because I love writing and blogging and I want to keep loving it and not start to resent it, you know? So I took a little break.

I have no idea how long this break will last. I actually felt like writing this post so might be that I’m nearly ready to come back. Who knows?

In any case, I have my VISA interview at the American Consulate on Monday next (4-11) and I wager I’ll write about my experiences there. Let me just tell you that the form I had to fill in was hilarious all on its own. They wanted to know if I was planning on entering the prostitution, traffic humans, become a terrorist or other similarly weird activities. It was amusing.

Oh, if there is a chance that the NSA is reading this: Dear NSA (or other US government officials) I am not going to do anything illegal, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Anyway, I hope you’re all doing well and that you, too, are not eaten by wild dogs.

Talk soon, you beautiful people.


Oh btw, I’m like 2 people away from 300 subscribers which makes me go iiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Just wanted to let you know ^_^


Well hello ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to a brand new edition of the ‘A Wordless Blogger’ blog. As you can see, a couple of changes have occurred in this last week. The theme is brand new. Nice and dark and a little ominous. A welcome change from the colorful theme I had before. And if you will direct your attention to the right, you will see the social media icons that will redirect you to the (brand new) A Wordless Blogger facebook page, my twitter and my tumblr page.

Seriously though, I thought it was time for something new. I get restless after a while and I had been looking for a new themes a couple of times already so I guess a change was upon us. I am mostly liking this so far but I’m not really 100% sure yet. Maybe I’ll change my mind in a few days and change the theme again. I’m just indecisive like that. I like changing things up every once in a while.

But also, the facebook page where you end up if you click the facebook button is the page I made for this blog. It’s still pretty new and I’m not really doing much with it right now. But I will, I promise. I’m planning on sharing interesting and funny things with my followers through the facebook page that I wouldn’t necessarily post on this blog. So go ahead and click like, would ya? I’ll give you a cookie.

In other news, I also rewrote most of my About page to make it a little more current. I’ve also included a gif of a certain Supernatural star, for those who are interested. So you can go check that out if you like.

Soo… I guess I’ll be seeing you around!

New posts coming soon, I promise.

Don’t you just love them, though?

BA’s Posting Challenge: Loving Blogs


Share some of the other book blogs you love to follow, who have inspired you, or who have become your online besties.

I have so ultimately failed this challenge it’s not even funny. I kept it up for what, a couple of weeks? Then i guess i decided that i had enough material to write about and just forgot about it. Ahh bad Emma! Bad bad Emma. Anyway, I’m going to pick it up where I’ve left off and maybe post more than once a week so maybe I can catch up a little.

Anyway, let’s get to the point shall we?

I actually have several blogs that i adore and look up to and just enjoy reading so much. Some of these people I’ve gotten to know personally through our collaboration on the book notes project, some I’ve gotten to know just by interacting with them regularly through comments or on twitter. The fact that I’ve gotten to know so many great people through blogging and getting to know them well enough to call them my friends is one of the things i like best about blogging. I feel like it’s a real community we’ve got going on here. Love it.

Although there are a lot of blogs that I love reading, these are few that really inspire me and that I look up to. The first of these is Becky’s blog. You can find her button on the left hand side of my blog. I found Becky’s blog right when I first started blogging and i was kind of in awe. She runs book centered blog and writes so well and with such apparent ease, it made me think ‘i want that!’ Not to mention she always has tons of likes and an insane amount of comments. Colour me jealous.

Other blogs that i look up to, always enjoy reading and like talking with are:

The downside of making a list of your favourite blogs? Feeling like you could be possibly offending everyone you follow but don’t mention. I´m sorry in advance! I should spend more time reading new blogs, i know this. I feel bad about it.

Anyway, just wanted to finish this blog by saying that i appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to read, like and comment on my blog. Every new like and every new comment and every new follower still give me the warm and fuzzies. Man, i love blogging.